
Make an appointment by visiting our consulting room

Surgeries are held from 8.30 to 11.30am and from 4.00 – 7.00pm. There are also a variety of early morning and late evening surgeries on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nursing appointments start at 8am Monday to Friday.

All sessions are arranged by appointment, which can be made by telephoning the surgery.

It is helpful with urgent problems if you can give the receptionist some information about the nature of the problem, although this does not affect your right to confidentiality.

If an appointment is made and for some reason no longer required, we do ask that the patient phones to cancel the appointment. This will enable it to be used for another patient.

Patients have the right to express a preference of practitioner.

Want To Book An Appointment Online?

This service requires you to register.

Telephone Consultations

It is possible to book a telephone consultation with your doctor or nurse, arranging a convenient time to ring them. This allows the patient to discuss a problem or results which may not need a face to face consultation and thereby saving the patient having to take time off work.